
Diocesan News
The Episcopal Church in eastern Massachusetts invites you to come and see what makes our faith communities meaningful to the people who call them home. 

Diocese and Parish News

April 17, 2020 Does being a Christian make a difference?  Why should I believe?  Not surprisingly in a culture concerned with both appearance and results, these are questions seeking answers.  The bottom line?  What’s in it for me?  We struggle for answers, as a defense of…
In the News
Hingham’s faith communities are doing what they can to keep worshiping during the age of social distancing, as coronavirus disrupts Easter and Passover celebrations along with most other aspects of church and temple life. While some churches and temples have canceled services because of…
In the News
Christians across the North Shore and Cape Ann marked Easter Sunday in a variety of ways under the strictures of the coronavirus pandemic, which has kept people quarantined at home and prevented large gatherings, including church services. At St. Peter’s, the Episcopal Church in Beverly, a total…
In the News
Churches across New England found creative ways to celebrate Easter Sunday services during the coronavirus pandemic. The pandemic, which has sickened over 35,000 people in New England, has forced religious institutions to rethink worshiping practices as local health officials urge people to…
In the News
For the past 10 years, Good Friday has probably been my most intense day of the year. As an Episcopal Priest, it is an emotional day, the one day set aside for us to contend with all of humanity’s worst inclinations. To contend with betrayal and death and absence and silence. The services on this…
Diocesan News
This update was issued by e-mail on April 16 to clergy and leadership. April 16, 2020 Upcoming Zoom gatherings for clergy and leadership Canon to the Ordinary Bill Parnell will host Zoom conferences for clergy and wardens next week, to pray together and check in with one another about COVID-19…
Diocesan News

One of the core components of the Life Together fellowship program in this diocese is community, and--as with all communities during the COVID-19 pandemic--the program and its fellows are adapting to new ways of being together and being of service.

Diocesan News
The bishops of the seven Episcopal dioceses of New England have issued the following joint statement urging advocacy for the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe as it faces the threat of its reservation lands being taken out of trust and disestablishment by the federal government. Statement…
In the News
Most of the people I know moved to online worship quickly, recognizing its necessity for public health. But shifting to online service just as quickly showed how digital interactions are so different than being together in person. The Reverend Kit Lonergan, rector of St. James Episcopal Church in…
This Easter message from Bishop Alan M. Gates was preached during the special filmed service for Easter Day, April 12, 2020, at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul in Boston. In these days of Sheltering-in-Place and Working-at-Home, a recent Twitter post told the following tale: My 5yo stormed out…