
Diocesan News
The Episcopal Church in eastern Massachusetts invites you to come and see what makes our faith communities meaningful to the people who call them home. 

Diocese and Parish News

Diocesan News
A tithe of $2 million from the ongoing diocesan Together Now fundraising campaign is designated for mission beyond the Diocese of Massachusetts; $500,000 of that tithe amount will fund existing mission partnerships.  Late last year, Diocesan Council approved grants of $250,000 to the Bishop…
Diocesan News
“We emerge with abundant hope, better discipline for working together and with partners beyond this church, for our fundamental reason for being--engagement with God’s mission,” E piscopal Church Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori states in her…
Parish News
Under bright and beautiful blue skies on May 19, a group of 75 volunteers and clergy members representing five Mystic Valley Deanery Episcopal churches gathered at Grace Church in Medford for a barbecue and joyful celebration of three years of shared ministries at St. Luke’s/San Lucas …
Diocesan News
This spring, 23 congregations of the diocese were awarded a combined total of $174,392 in Gretchen Umholtz The Rev. Moses Sowale of Grace Chapel in Brockton helps plant a garden of…
Diocesan News
Bishop Gayle E. Harris ordained six transitional deacons at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul in Boston on June 2.  Scott Bennet Pictured with her, from left, they are:  (front) The Rev. Audrey O…
Diocesan News
The annual convention of the Diocese of Massachusetts will take place Friday-Saturday, Nov. 2-3 at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul (138 Tremont Street) in Boston.  Preliminary materials, including positions to be filled by election, the nomination form and guidelines for submitting…
Diocesan News
PHOTO: Deborah Gardner Walker PHOTO: Deborah Gardner Walker PHOTO: Deborah Gardner Walker PHOTO: Deborah Gardner Walker …