
March 14, 2020 Dear People of the Diocese of Massachusetts, Yesterday I looked out at the city park beneath my window.  The usual Friday afternoon bustle was nowhere in evidence.  A surreal and eerie quiet had descended there, as it has on so much of our lives.  Two lonely…

"At Christmas we greet the very heart of God made flesh.  Born 2,000 years ago.  Born again every time the vulnerability of human love fills the rocky trough of human cruelty.  It is in the very nature of love to be vulnerable. Precisely because God loves us was Jesus born, vulnerable to the needs of every helpless infant.  He grew, dependent upon the care of loving parents.  He preached and taught, vulnerable to the resentment of the religious establishment.  And he died, vulnerable to the cruelty of the Roman occupation.  He died every bit as vulnerable as the victims of warfare in Syria and Yemen; as vulnerable as the victims of terror in New Zealand and Sri Lanka, of massacres in Pittsburgh, El Paso and Jersey City.  He died as vulnerable as me and you."

"Baptism: Water of Creation - Destruction - Regeneration," stained glass at St. Andrew's Church, Ayer Many congregations in the Diocese of Massachusetts observe a "Creation Care Season" beginning with the Feast of St. Francis, Oct. 4 through the last Sunday after Pentecost,…

Sermon given by Bishop Alan M. Gates at the Holy Tuesday Renewal of Ordination Vows and Blessing of Holy Oils service on April 16, 2019, at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul in Boston.

“Eggshell on Fabric,” original watercolor painting by Amy Lewandowski Framed on my kitchen wall has long been a small watercolor depicting a single brown egg.  The shell is lying open, its white interior empty as a winter’s nest.  I have tended to think of it simply…

"The achingly joyous moments of our lives are part of the same journey that includes our deepest fears and sorrows.  God has joined heaven and earth by this Child, and so are we promised God’s abiding presence, from birth to death, and beyond."

Being a young person in the U.S., I can safely say that the March for Our Lives movement has been the most inspiring movement in my teenage years. Not only do I full-heartedly agree with the goals of this movement, but I am also encouraged by the extent to which youth voices have galvanized people…

In Lent, we followers of Jesus are asked to lift up our chins, set our faces toward Jerusalem and lead with this cross we bear on our foreheads.  The invisible cross of our Baptism, traced by some long ago thumb, and the ashen cross of our mortality that marks each one of us, these days, as a bit of a fool for claiming this truth:  that we follow a God who shoulders with us our every condition, our every affliction our every delight.

My parishioner, Ed, was an electrical engineer. During World War II he worked on a highly secret project involving long-wave radio technology. Later he learned the purpose of the technology he’d helped to perfect. It was used to construct navigational beacons placed throughout the Pacific theater,…
Creation Care Season greetings in Christ, for Christ and for all creation. At the 2010 Diocesan Convention we asked that the diocese endorse and encourage all congregations to celebrate Creation Care Season from St. Francis Day in early October to the first Sunday of Advent. Over the years we…