In the News

In the News
The seventh grade scholars from the Nathaniel Bowditch School in Salem joined with their partners from Grace Church in Salem for their annual end-of-the-year lunch at the church. In response to Salem Mayor Kim Driscoll's call for notes for the children in custody on the border in Texas, the entire…
In the News
A new plaque outside Grace Episcopal Church in Vineyard Haven includes a straightforward question from the baptismal covenant of the Book of Common Prayer: “Will you strive for justice and peace among all people and respect the dignity of every human being?” The plaque was unveiled Sunday…
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The Rev. Steve Ayres of Old North Church is interviewed about the Old North Foundation's decision to begin charging visitors admission on May 1, to help pay for maintenance and renovations to Boston's fourth most popular "museum."
In the News
One floor below the choir room of Christ Episcopal Church in Waltham, a curvy corridor delivers families in need to a cozy niche where good things are happening. On the third Saturday of each month, expectant mothers and parents with babies from infancy to age three gather there to be supplied with…
In the News
Hussein Abdi, 19, had never given much thought to the gunmaker down the street from his high school. He often passed the Smith & Wesson factory and its flashing marquee touting the company’s deep ties to the city, “Since 1852.” Nyasia Jordan, 18, knew it only as the place where her mom used to work…
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Woodcuts of the Stations of the Cross by sculptor, teacher and art historian Peter Rockwell are on display at St. Peter's Church in Beverly until Easter.  The pieces are on loan from the Norman Rockwell Museum in Stockbridge. “To have the work of a serious artist like Peter Rockwell is just…
In the News
Several dozen residents–young and old–turned out Wednesday night [March 14] for an interfaith vigil at the center of Town House Square to protest gun violence. The Rev. Deborah Phillips, Rector of Grace Church, called for attendees to renew their “commitment to pray and take action to overcome a…
In the News
"[Diocese of Western Massachusetts Bishop Doug] Fisher and other Episcopal leaders from around the state, joined by students from Springfield, Holyoke, and Boston and supporters and activists from around the region brought their message to a constituency that has so far largely avoided the Parkland…
In the News
Students across Massachusetts walked out of classes, marched and rallied on March 14 in solidarity with a national day of activism calling for stricter gun laws. The #Enough walkout occurred exactly one month after the deadly high school shooting in Parkland, Florida. With high-schoolers in more…
In the News
A group of paintings on display at St. Paul’s Church in Newburyport is brightening up the building’s window wells for the season of Lent while shining a light on a powerful environmental message. The set of 16 paintings was completed by St. Paul’s parishioner and Newbury resident Ingrid Sanborn in…