In the News

In the News
This August marks the 400th anniversary of the first landing of enslaved Africans in British North America. It happened in 1619 at Point Comfort in Hampton, Virginia. The National Parks of Boston took part over the weekend in what the National Parks Service called the "National Day of Healing."…
In the News
Eleven historic bells chime daily on top of the high bell tower at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church in Salem. One of them dates back to 1740, where its tolled for the death of every president preceding George H.W. Bush. In January 2018, a series of three snowstorms destroyed the mechanism that rings…
In the News
The bells of St. Anne’s Episcopal Church tolled for four minutes as a crowd gathered to stand in silence and reflect on that day 400 years ago when African slaves first arrived in England’s American colonies. Late August sunlight and a strong breeze hinted at fall’s fast approach as the bells rang…
In the News
The Chapel of St. James the Fisherman is only open in the summer, but the members who worship in this modernist building donate half the church’s income to year-round causes. Founded six decades ago and designed by a leader in the Cape Modernist Movement, the chapel has a long tradition of giving…
In the News
Each year at St. Dunstan’s Vacation Bible School, many of the counselors and counselors in training stay after camp to do a service project. This year, they decided to do two projects so they could support two groups:  Solar Mamas and A Place to Turn Food Pantry in Natick.
In the News
Trinity Episcopal Church in Stoughton is sponsoring a “Blessing Box.” Like the “little library” boxes around town, these are popping up around communities to help those who struggle with food insecurity. Blessing Boxes don’t cure food insecurity, that’s for certain. But they are there to help those…
In the News
El obispo presidente de la Iglesia Episcopal, el Reverendísimo Michael B. Curry, estuvo llevando su mensaje "Camino del amor" al este de Massachusetts durante los días 26 al 28 de abril y, además de sus apariciones públicas, aprovechó para hacer una visita a la Academia Esperanza en Lawrence el…
In the News
For the second straight year, St. Dunstan’s Episcopal Church converted its social hall and kitchen into assembly lines to package 10,000 meals for the Outreach Program. In exchange for a financial donation, the program’s New England manager, Matthew Martin, arrived on Friday, May 3, with…
In the News
The senior chaplain assigned to the Massachusetts National Guard visited Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa and Kenya April 25-28, highlighting one of the National Guard’s lesser-known missions, building enduring partnerships through its State Partnership Program.  U.S. Army Col. Paul…
In the News
The Episcopal Church’s presiding bishop the Most Rev. Michael B. Curry brought his “Way of Love” message to Massachusetts last weekend: Preaching at a rally Saturday on Boston Common and making a stop Sunday at Grace Episcopal Church in New Bedford for a panel discussion on inclusivity and racial…