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In the News
Just over a year ago, the day after the deadly mass shooting at Pittsburgh’s Tree of Life Synagogue, more than a thousand locals gathered together on the Boston Common to mourn and pray. As the Rev. Amy McCreath, dean of the historic St. Paul Cathedral that overlooks America’s oldest park, watched…
In the News
The slender white steeple of Old North Church is a cherished symbol of American freedom, the place where two signal lanterns dispatched Paul Revere on his famous 1775 ride to warn the colonists of approaching British troops. But it’s also a symbol of something else — an American reckoning. New…
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Last year, the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change warned that only a dozen years remain to reduce worldwide carbon dioxide emissions by 45% to meet the goal of net-zero emissions from power plants and vehicles by 2050--the reduction level needed to avoid a disaster scenario in…
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Old North Church, with attendance from RUFF North End dog group, hosted their annual Blessing of the Animals on Sunday afternoon in honor of St. Francis Day. Dozens of pets, accompanied by their humans, congregated on the Prado to receive individual blessings from Rev. Ellie Terry and Rev. Stephen…
In the News
St. Peter's Episcopal Church went to the dogs and stuffed animals during a special “Blessing of the Animals” service on October 8. The special service is a popular one, held on or close to the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi to commemorate the famous saint of pets and animals. The Feast of St…
In the News
On Friday, Sept. 20, children from the preschool at St. David's Church in South Yarmouth helped to ring the church bell to raise awareness for climate change and caring for creation. "We just had a bell-ringing experience with our preschoolers and people from our congregation to…
In the News
Numbering about 60, a coalition of youth groups and concerned citizens gathered at Memorial Field across Roosevelt Avenue from Smith & Wesson headquarters on Sept. 13 to call on executives to work with them to address gun violence. Joining the groups were two of the state’s Episcopal bishops and a…
In the News
The start of the gospel during Sunday service isn’t supposed to raise a chuckle. But Rev. Bradford Clark couldn’t help it. A goose honked. Some crows briefly joined the chorus but, on the whole, the domestic and wild animals in the neighborhood didn’t disturb proceedings. This wasn’t the annual…
In the News
Every month for the past two years, members of Winchester’s Parish of the Epiphany, along with other faith groups, have gathered at the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detention center in Boston and Burlington to pray, sing, and hold signs of support for the detainees. From inside…
In the News
This summer’s team worked with two families, one a couple with two young children and another an elderly man who lives alone. Volunteer Helen Pulizzi said she helped replace a beam in the little girl’s bedroom and re-sided part of the house. The goal of Appalachia Service Project (ASP) is to make…