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Alyssa Peguero has a little filmmaking experience, but she never worked on a film with nine other young women until now. “Putting our ideas together is so much fun. I feel lucky I get to do it,” said the English High School student.The teenagers spent this week in St. Stephen’s Episcopal…
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St. Dunstan’s Episcopal Church in Dover hosted more than 80 children and counselors from the Bishop’s Summer Academic and Fun Enrichment program on Friday, July 10, at the church. St. Dunstan’s set up two large water slides in the church parking lot for cool fun, and the church also provided…
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It’s invisible, but something called a poverty line runs down the middle of Sisson Road in Harwich. On one side of the line lies something called a poverty zone, where more than 50 percent of families live below the federal poverty level. There, any child can walk into a Food for Kids site and…
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 Trinity Episcopal Church of Wrentham has had much to celebrate of late. The parish welcomed a new priest-in-charge this past January, the Rev. Elise A. Feyerherm. Trinity also celebrated a milestone anniversary recently: 150 years in Wrentham. The parish celebrated with a dinner in May at…
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Episcopalians overwhelmingly voted Wednesday to allow religious weddings for same-sex couples, solidifying the church’s embrace of gay rights that began more than a decade ago with the pioneering election of the first openly gay bishop.The vote came in Salt Lake City at the Episcopal General…
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“How does a congregation live into its sacred role as a healer?"That’s the question congregational leaders at St. Luke’s/ San Lucas Episcopal Church in Chelsea, Massachusetts use to guide their ministry. Recently honored by their city for all they do to “advance the cause of Chelsea and its people,…
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When tragedies such as the murder of nine church members inside the Mother Emanuel AME church last week in Charleston, SC, strike, many are ready to strike back.It was not the case Tuesday night, when members of the clergy in Chelsea – including the Rev. Sandra Whitley of the People’s AME Church in…
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Dozens came together at a peace vigil for the Charleston shooting victims held at a small historic Baptist church in West Medford on Saturday.West Medford Baptist Church on Boston Avenue was filled to capacity for the interfaith vigil, as the religious community reached out to the nine victims…
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On a gorgeous Sunday morning in May, even the most sleepy-eyed observer could hardly miss the first clue that the 10:15 a.m. service would be different: Most members of the congregation were dressed in their pajamas.Soon, the reason for their garb became apparent. The 12 members of the children’s…
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"Forgiveness does not exclude punishment, but to take another’s person’s life is always sinful," the Rev. Sara Irwin of Christ Church in Waltham writes in response to the Globe's question:  Should Massachusetts reinstate the death penalty?Click the link above to read more.