Diocesan News

Diocesan News
On Saturday, April 9, 145 people gathered at St. Peter’s Church in Weston to celebrate global mission.  Twenty-one speakers and seven panelists led discussions about successes and challenges, what healthy mission looks like and what mission could look like in the future. Participants shared…
Diocesan News
The Ven. William Clay Parnell, currently the archdeacon for mission in the Diocese of New York, has been named canon to the ordinary in the Diocese of Massachusetts.  A June 1 start date is anticipated.As canon to the ordinary, Parnell will have both external and internal responsibilities,…
Diocesan News
The bishops of the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts, the Rt. Rev. Alan M. Gates and the Rt. Rev. Gayle E. Harris, on April 7 issued the following letter to the clergy of the diocese, urging support for statewide nondiscrimination protections for transgender people now pending in the state…
Diocesan News
The Diocese of Massachusetts' B-PEACE for Jorge antiviolence campaign is gearing up for the annual Mother's Day Walk for Peace on Sunday, May 8, this year marking its 20th anniversary.This will be the fourth year that Episcopalians have rallied as a team to walk as a witness for peace and…
Diocesan News
The diocesan mission strategy listening team has issued its initial report and invites the diocesan community’s response—in person, online or by phone.  The initial report is posted at www.diomass.org/new-mission-strategy.Four open forums have been scheduled at locations around the diocese, at…
Diocesan News
The Episcopal Church's presiding bishop, the Most Rev. Michael B. Curry, has called for a season of prayer for regions of the Anglican Communion which are experiencing violence and civil strife.“In this season of resurrection, I call on everyone to pray for our brothers and sisters in areas where…
Diocesan News
Responding to events in Brussels this morning, Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby said:  “In the great Holy Week of Christian prayer and mercy, the Brussels attacks shock all those who seek peace and justice through the terrible cruelty and utter separation from all that is of God. Once…
Diocesan News
Global mission is a decades-long tradition for many churches in the Diocese of Massachusetts, and grants from funds raised through the diocesan Together Now campaign have helped to strengthen and promote this work in recent years. This year, for the first time in recent memory, there will be an…
Diocesan News
The House of Bishops of the Episcopal Church, meeting in retreat March 11-15 in Navasota, Tex., unanimously approved and issued on March 15 the following "Word to the Church" regarding "the violent forces being released by this season’s political rhetoric" and calling for "prayer for our country…
Diocesan News
An interfaith group of about 110 people concerned about gun violence and looking for ways to curb it gathered with Bishop Alan M. Gates at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul in Boston in late January to learn more about the Do Not Stand Idly By gun safety campaign.  The gathering brought parish…