Diocesan News

Diocesan News
This year’s Diocesan Convention set the Episcopal Church in eastern Massachusetts on a path toward “embracing brave change” by adopting a new mission strategy that calls for reimagining congregations, building relationships and engaging the world.“Strategizing to recreate the church of the past…
Diocesan News
Fifteen clergy and lay people from the Diocese of Massachusetts traveled to North Dakota in the first week of November to join the Standing Rock Sioux Nation, environmental activists and people from a variety of faith traditions who oppose completion of the Dakota Access oil pipeline because of…
Diocesan News
A group of Christians from across Massachusetts gathered on a hillside at the Heifer Farm in Rutland on Sunday afternoon, Nov. 13 to reaffirm their dedication to restoring God’s creation. Led by five Protestant and Roman Catholic leaders, including Bishop Alan M. Gates of the Diocese of …
Diocesan News
Churches across this diocese answered the Massachusetts bishops' call to open their doors leading up to Election Day, with at least 70 congregations offering prayers for the nation and election, hosting vigils and special services and offering space for silent prayer between Nov. 6 and 8. Today,…
Diocesan News
The Rt. Rev. Alan M. Gates, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts, issued on Nov. 9, 2016, the following message to the diocesan community:Our national election is behind us, leaving in its wake a legacy of bitterness and hostility.  For some, alienation is the apparent reason for…
Diocesan News
Anthony Barsamian and the Rev. Daryl Lobban brought greetings from the Massachusetts Council of Churches to the 2016 Diocesan Convention. Barsamian is president of the MCC's board, and Labban is the director of external relationships. 
Diocesan News
Exhibits by many organizations and ministries were on display, including the Life Together young adult fellowship program. Ellen Stuart Kittle South Coast and South Shore mission hubs had exhibits on display. Tracy J. Sukraw …
Diocesan News
From Bishop Gates's address to convention: "To seek that gentle victory over fear and despair that Christians have always sought.  To claim salvation in sharing the reconciling ministry of Jesus Christ.  Now there's a vision statement:  a vision for our national decisions; a vision…
Diocesan News
Following is the text of the address given by Bishop Alan M. Gates on Saturday, Nov. 5, 2016, at the 231st annual convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts. Watch the video of the address here. Most of you know that, during our 18-year sojourn away from Massachusetts, my family and I…
Diocesan News
"We the Episcopal bishops in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts call for a vigil period of intense prayer from noon on All Saints Sunday, Nov. 6 through noon on Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. 8.  The particulars of such prayer in our congregations will vary according to local parish traditions and…