Diocesan News

Diocesan News

On Wednesday, March 14, in collaboration with interfaith partners and grassroots organizers in the Pioneer Valley, Episcopal Church youth and bishops protested peacefully outside the gates of Smith & Wesson in Springfield. 

Diocesan News
On Wednesday, March 14, in collaboration with interfaith partners and grassroots organizers in the Pioneer Valley, Episcopal Church youth and bishops will stand peacefully for one hour, 3-4 p.m., outside the gates of Smith and Wesson (2100 Roosevelt Avenue) in Springfield.  Speakers will…
Diocesan News
The bishops of the Episcopal dioceses of Massachusetts and Western Massachusetts jointly issued on March 1, 2018, the following call, "From Lamentation to Action."  In it they urge solidarity in prayer on March 14, in response to a call for such from the Bishops United Against Gun Violence…
Diocesan News
The search process is now formally underway for three regional canons to serve in the Diocese of Massachusetts.  The job description for the three regional canons is being distributed churchwide . Each of the regional canons will serve a geographic area of the diocese encompassing four…
Diocesan News
The Rev. Amy Ebeling McCreath has been appointed by Bishop Alan M. Gates as the new dean of the Cathedral Church of St. Paul in Boston.  The Cathedral Chapter approved the appointment at its Feb. 27 meeting.    McCreath will be the ninth dean of the Cathedral Church of St. Paul,…
Diocesan News
The Office of the Bishop has issued the following notice: Feb. 16, 2018 Dear Friends and Colleagues, We are saddened to inform you of the death of the Rev. James C. Knudson in Cambridge, Massachusetts, on Feb. 11, 2018. Jim served in the diocese for 10 years before retiring in 2000. He served at…
Diocesan News
The bishops of the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts, the Rt. Rev. Alan M. Gates and the Rt. Rev. Gayle E. Harris, are members of Bishops United Against Gun Violence and commend the following statement issued by the coalition on Feb. 16. The heart of our nation has been broken yet again by…
Diocesan News
Episcopalians across New England and Pennsylvania--and beyond--joined in a charitable contest in the week leading up to the Super Bowl to see how much money they could raise for Episcopal Relief & Development by game time. Final tallies were:  $18,502 raised by Team Patriots and $21,660…
Diocesan News
Episcopal Church bishops in New England and Pennsylvania are rallying football fans in their dioceses--and beyond--to join in a charitable contest over the next week to see how much money they can raise for Episcopal Relief & Development by game time on Sunday, Feb. 4, 6:30 p.m., when the New…
Diocesan News
Given concern about this winter's flu outbreak, congregations are urged to exercise common sense and take the same reasonable precautions that are recommended during the regular flu season every year.  These include washing hands frequently with soap and water (and using sanitizing wipes and…