Pilgrimage to Pocasset Wampanoag Reservation

The Ministry of Immigration Partnership convened by the diocesan Office of Immigration and Multicultural Ministries invites all to join for a pilgrimage to the Pocasset Wampanoag Reservation on Thursday, March 7, 10 a.m.-3:30 p.m.  All are welcome!

Gathering Place: St. Peter’s Church, 351 Elm Street, Dartmouth

Register here.

The group will travel by bus together from St. Peter’s Church to the Pocasset Wampanoag Land, incorporated within the Freetown-Fall River State Forest, to walk their paths and engage in conversation. Then the group will return to St. Peter’s for lunch, reflection and worship.
Optional Transportation to Dartmouth: E-mail Jocelyn Collen (jcollen@diomass.org) if you would like transportation to Dartmouth or have room to take passengers with you.

Cost: $10 (If this is a hardship, scholarships are available.)

Dress accordingly:  Time will be spent outdoors and there will be mud.

Please note that these event details supersede plans publicized prior to Feb. 15.

This pilgrimage follows in the stead of one in 2019 to Providence, R.I., for the Walking Tour of Slavery and visit to the John Brown House Museum.

Questions may be directed to the Rev. Canon Jean Baptiste Ntagengwa, Canon for Immigration and Multicultural Ministries at jbntagengwa@diomass.org.

These event details supercede plans publicized prior to Feb. 15.