This training is designed to increase awareness regarding sexual misconduct and abuse of power, to outline steps toward preventing abuse, to offer ways to intervene when misconduct occurs and to equip anyone in a position of congregational leadership with ways of healing and rebuilding the body of Christ.
The training is required of all clergy, diocesan employees and congregational employees. It is also highly recommended for wardens, vestry members, lay eucharistic visitors, pastoral visitors, youth leaders, Confirmation sponsors, acolyte leaders, choir directors, church school teachers and volunteers working in a congregation on a regular basis.
Online training:
• The online training, Praesidium Academy, is available at
• The churchwide Task Force to Develop Model Anti-Sexual Harassment Policies and Safe Church Training has developed new Safe Church, Safe Communities modules. These nine modules, available in January 2022, will replace the ones offered in the past. Information and updates regarding this curriculum are available at
• Online training is most effective when individuals meet after completing the modules to discuss reactions and ideas. It is strongly suggested that a meeting be convened annually, with all required lay employees and volunteers having completed the modules.
• Many modules are available in Spanish and French, as well as in English.
• There is no cost for this online training offered through the diocese's partnership with Church Pension Group.
• Online training requires a unique e-mail address and password for each individual taking the training. A designated administrator at each congregation can invite new users. Once the user has been registered, the training is always accessible from any computer with a high-speed Internet connection.
Questions about accessing Praesidium Academy may be directed to Jennifer Garrett at or 617-482-4826, ext. 421. Users and administrators with questions about using the platform should contact
Safe Church Modules: Who Takes What
Clergy Professional Development Days
Clergy canonically resident or licensed in the Diocese of Massachusetts are required to attend a Professional Development Day, which includes a Safe Church refresher segment that is required once every three years. See calendar box on this page for scheduled Professional Development Days.
For information about requirements and upcoming trainings please contact Canon Bill Parnell ( See also: "Requirements and Exemptions--Clergy Professional Development Days."