St. Michael's Church in Marblehead invites all to join for its 2024-2025 organ recital series, marking the 50th anniversary of the installation of the church's Fisk organ.
For this special occasion, St. Michael's is welcoming a select group of talented artists to celebrate the many ways in which the organ contributes to the life of the church's community.
Sunday, March 16, 5 p.m. (Snow Date: March 23)
“The Composer’s Muse” — Cathy Meyer, organ
For centuries, composers in awe of the organ’s majesty have written masterpieces which have remained in the repertoire to this day. Often overlooked, however, are the masterpieces being written today that will become the classics of the years to come. In this penultimate program of the series, Cathy Meyer, Minister of Music and Organist at South Church (UCC) in Andover, will present works by contemporary and living composers as St. Michael's Church celebrates the present and future of its organ.
Suggested donation is $20 per person at the door. Visit for the full schedule and more details.