Lament and the Longing for Life: Stories of Climate Grief and Hope

Gloucester Unitarian Universalist Church
10 Church Street
Gloucester, MA
United States

See map:

Climate change is not only a collective event – it also touches us personally.  What emotions are stirred up as we face the challenges of a changing climate, from extreme weather events to rising seas?  What helps us to maintain courage and hope? How do we turn concern and grief into productive action?

Keynote speaker, the Rev. Margaret Bullitt-Jonas, will reflect on what her decades of climate activism have taught her about emotional and spiritual resilience.  Panelists will respond with their own stories and reflections. There will be time for discussion with the audience.

This free event is open to the public. It is sponsored by the Interfaith Committee of the Cape Ann Climate Coalition and funded by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. For more information, please contact the Rev. Gail Seavey at