The ministry of all the baptized is vital in all our communities as we seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving our neighbors as ourselves. We encourage all the laity to offer their ministries to the church and to God's world.
The canons of the Episcopal Church identify some particular ministries that members of the laity may offer in their congregations after receiving appropriate training and licensing from the bishop.
The Diocese of Massachusetts offers training and other formation resources to receive a license. Those who wish to be licensed in one of these ministries should seek sponsorship from their congregation, complete the necessary training and submit an application (links below).
- Lay Eucharistic Visitor licensed ministry application
- Lay Worship Leader licensed ministry application
- Lay Preacher licensed ministry application
- Lay Catechist licensed ministry application
- Lay Eucharistic Minister licensed ministry application
- Lay Evangelist licensed ministry application
The license you receive is valid as long as you continue to be a member of good standing in the congregation that sponsors you and have the permission of the priest in charge of that congregation to exercise this ministry.
For more information about requirements for these licenses, please contact Canon Edie Dolnikowski at or 617-482-4826, ext. 514.