Furnishings, liturgical items from Church of St. John the Evangelist available to churches and chaplaincies

cram altar Roy Goodwin Detail from the Virgin Mary Altar, by Ralph Adams Cram

The Church of St. John the Evangelist and the Cathedral Church of St. Paul have merged into one community, presently worshiping at St. John’s at 35 Bowdoin Street on Beacon Hill. When the newly renovated cathedral church re-opens in mid to late September, the combined community will move into the cathedral and the St. John's building will be closed. 

Most of the furnishings and liturgical objects from St. John's will not be used in the cathedral, and so cathedral leaders are seeking new homes for many beautiful and functional items. Many of these can be viewed online here and at two open houses, being held on Aug. 1 and Aug. 8. 

Choir stalls Roy Goodwin Choir stalls

Items not pictured online include: a celebrant’s chair, a server’s stool, a carved wood and velvet pulpit, two holy water bowls, living room furniture (coffee table, two sofas, two large upholstered chairs and two end tables), two large bookcases, two desks, two office chairs, a set of dishes, many assorted Eucharistic vestments, chalices, patens, choir stalls, several desks, assorted desks and a dishwasher. 

bookcase Roy Goodwin Glass front bookcase


The diocesan community is invited to St. John’s on Saturday, Aug. 1 and Saturday, Aug. 8, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., to view these items in person.  Those who are interested in particular items should notify the cathedral staff at one of the open houses or by e-mailing Ethel Crawford at elc@diomass.org

The items will be used at the St. John's building through the middle of September, so plans to pick them up should be made for the last weeks in September. The deadline for requests will be Friday, Sept. 4.