Greetings from Taiwan: A message from Bishop Gates

The House of Bishops of the Episcopal Church is meeting in the Diocese of Taiwan from Sept. 17 to Sept. 23. Bishop Alan M. Gates is in attendance, and sent this update from Taipei.  For full coverage of the meeting of the House of Bishops, visit Episcopal News Service.  

alan hosana bus Bishops were transported outside of Taipei City on the Hosanna Bus. Dear Friends,

Ni hao!  I greet you from Taipei City, where I have experienced my first gathering of the House of Bishops. While the bishops normally meet within the continental U.S., this session has been held in Taiwan on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the establishment of the Diocese of Taiwan as part of The Episcopal Church. It has been a week to remember.

Line dancing with 4-year olds: On a visit to the Church of the Good Shepherd in Taipei we were greeted by some four dozen children and their teachers.  After welcoming us with ceremonial drumming and singing, the children drew us into exuberant line dances around the parish courtyard.  I am relieved to discover that episcopal decorum need not edge out Christian joy!

Latter-day apostles:  Our Taiwanese host, Bishop Lai, has been joined by the presiding bishops of Hong Kong, Pakistan, Japan, Korea, and the Philippines, all of whom have shared with us the complex situations of their churches.   I am deeply inspired by the depth of their commitment to the Gospel in places where Christian discipleship is often very costly.

Dim sum, and then some:  Again and again we have been treated to delicious meals and gracious hospitality.  It has been such an affirmation to Taiwanese Episcopalians that the bishops of their church have made the trip to be with them for the first time ever, and it has been such a blessing to us to have done so!

Faithfully and gratefully,
