Diocesan statement regarding Title IV matter involving Bishop Gates

Stemming from the March 30, 2024, Easter Vigil incident at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul in Boston, a disciplinary complaint filed against Bishop Alan M. Gates under The Episcopal Church’s Title IV canons has been reviewed by a reference panel.  On May 28 the reference panel determined that the matter be referred to Conciliation (Canon IV.6.8(b)), and Bishop Gates was notified of the resulting Pastoral Direction.  He is cooperating fully with the Title IV process.  Procedural updates have now been publicly posted on the church’s website for Title IV matters involving bishops
We ask for the church’s continued prayers for everyone affected by the March 30 incident as we move forward in the spirit of reconciliation and with renewed commitment to ensuring that our churches are safe and nurturing places that uphold the dignity of every person.

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