Liturgy and Music Resources

50th Anniversary of Women's Ordination in The Episcopal Church

  • A Litany for the 50th Anniversary of the Ordination of Women / Letanía por el 50 aniversario de la Ordenación de las Mujeres by Bishop Carol J.W.T. Gallagher
  • 2024 General Convention Resolution C023 "Commemorating The Philadelphia Eleven in the Church Calendar" with propers for July 29
  • The documentary "The Philadelphia Eleven" by local filmmakers Margo Guernsey and Nikki Bramley, available for viewing on demand via Kinema, here, the weekend of July 26-30.
  • Online exhibit from the Archives of The Episcopal Church, "For the Extension of the Kingdom," created this year to examine the role and experiences of women within the church, with a section on women's ordination
  • June 2024 issue of the journal Anglican and Episcopal History, from the Historical Society of the Episcopal Church, focused on the Philadelphia 11 and women's ordination (details for ordering, digital or print, here).
  • Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music commemoration, with suggested prayers and lessons, available via the Diocese of Los Angeles in English and Spanish
  • Women’s Uncommon Prayers: Our Lives Revealed, Nurtured, Celebrated (Morehouse Publishing, 2000) available for order via Church Publishing, Inc., here, including in particular "Litany of Thanksgiving" by the Rev. Linda D. Anderson-Little (p. 342); "For Leaders" by Dr. Pamela P. Chinnis (p. 363); and "Priest's Song" by the Rev. Lyn G. Brakeman (p. 253). [Permission to reproduce pending.]


Good Friday

Given the difficult history of Jewish-Christian relations and the contemporary rise in anti-Semitism, the ways in which Jews are portrayed in the Holy Week liturgy is an important issue.  The resources linked below are for use on Good Friday and include a proposed liturgy for trial use and a translation of the Passion Gospel, available in English and Spanish. 

Indigenous Peoples' Day & land acknowledgement & liturgy examples

A collection of resources from the Racial Justice Commission and the Dioceses of Massachusetts and Western Massachusetts Indigenous Peoples' Justice Network are available here.


Middle East

A collection of prayer and learning resources, drawn from our bishops' call in Advent 2023 for prayer, giving, advocacy and learning as response to war between Israel and Hamas, is available here.


More resources

These resources, compiled by diocesan Liturgy and Music Commission members, include resources to meet needs during the COVID-19 pandemic. Questions may be directed to the Rev. Elise Feyerherm ( or Sister Kristina Frances, SSM (

  • Virginia Theological Seminary’s Center for Lifelong Learning offers carefully curated and thoughtful resources at
  • Specific guidelines, texts, and liturgies can be found in Sundays, Major Feasts & Life Passages under Quarantine, also from Virginia Theological Seminary. It includes information on basic principles and premises for worship under quarantine; forms for an agape meal; ante-communion liturgies; a simple liturgy for Ascension Day; rites for accompanying people through major life passages; suggestions for seasonal and weekly patterns of worship that mark feast as well as feria; and careful attention to the experience of mourning and lament in this time. 
  • The Society of Saint Margaret has provided a number of resources, including Coronavirus Prayer and a Litany in Time of Pandemic, and Rogation Resources. (Rogation days, when priest and congregation traditionally walked the boundaries of the parish, giving thanks for the created order and the blessings of the earth, are traditionally the three days prior to Ascension Day, but the spirit of these celebrations apply throughout spring and summer. The resources for rogation celebrations could appropriately be used with children, as they help to plant gardens.)
  • The website “Alone Together” at offers, from a number of faith traditions, resources for coping and living meaningfully with isolation and silence.
  • Prayers for Spiritual Communion:  As we continue to be separated from one another, thus unable to celebrate the Holy Eucharist, here are some additional prayers for Spiritual Communion that may better articulate your circumstances and longings.

    From St. Augustine’s Prayer Book, p. 192, adapted
    In union, blessed Jesus, with the faithful gathered this day, we long to offer you praise and thanksgiving, for creation and all the blessings of this life, for the redemption won for us by your life, death, and resurrection, for the means of grace and the hope of glory. We believe that you are truly present in Word and Sacrament, and, since we cannot at this time receive communion, we pray you to come into our hearts. We unite ourselves with you and embrace you with all our heart, soul, and mind. Let nothing separate us from you; let us serve you in this life until, by your grace, we come to your glorious kingdom and unending peace. Amen. 

From St. Stephen Lutheran Church, ELCA, Pompano Beach, Fla.
Lord Jesus, we desire earnestly to experience your love as guests at the heavenly feast you have prepared for your children on earth in the most holy Sacrament of the Altar. As we are not able on this day to be gathered at your Table, may we receive you into our hearts by faith, trusting the word of your promise, that "those who love me will keep my word, and my Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them." Strengthen our faith, increase our love and hope; and after this life grant us a place at your heavenly table, where we shall eat of the eternal manna, and drink of the river of your pleasure forevermore. Hear us for your own Name's sake. Amen. 

The Book of Common Prayer 1979

Other Prayer Resources

Praying the Daily Office (Morning, Noonday, Evening Prayer & Compline)

Agape Meals

Praying with Children


Graces at Meals


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