"Christianity Then and Now" Fall Adult Ed Program

St. Dunstan's Church in Dover invites the diocesan community to join its 2024 Fall Adult Education Program,  “Christianity Then and Now.”  The course will run over eight bi-weekly Zoom meetings Sept. 23-Jan. 6.  For each meeting, the group shall read and discuss with their author chapters of a short (44-pp.) booklet, Christianity Then and Now, by St. Dunstan's parishioner and historian George McCully. Participants may attend any number of meetings. The booklet is a PDF document, freely downloadable here. You can read a two-page introduction and overview here.

Class will meet at 7 p.m. on:
Sept. 23: Introduction - to the booklet, to Religion and Secularity
Oct. 7:  Chapter 1: Gospel of John
Oct. 21: Chapter 2: Augustine, the City of God, and Christendom
Nov. 4: Chapter 3: St. Dunstan
Nov. 18: Chapter 4: Luther
Dec. 2: Chapter 5: English Reformation - William Tyndale
Dec. 16: Chapter 6: Anglicanism: Richard Hooker
Dec. 23: Chapter 7: Secularization: Early Modern Europe
Jan. 6: Chapter 8: Christianity Now: This New Age

Please -email George McCully at gemccully@icloud.com to register for the class and be on the list to receive additional class information and updates.