Those who have either attended one of the bishop coadjutor election "Listening Events" held in June or used the online survey accessible here (and in Spanish, here) will recall that one of the three questions essentially pertains to the strengths of this diocese. We believe one of those strengths is its corporate life of prayer. Each Sunday and throughout the week we hold ourselves up in prayer; and we have numerous role models who inspire us: Jesus Christ, St. Paul, our bishops, to name but a few. Indeed, the first task of the bishop coadjutor election effort was to compose a diocesan prayer to ground us as we progressed through the various phases of the process, and this was shared with all of you several months ago. It is included here again because over these several summer months, major events and steps are being taken that need your prayerful support. Please incorporate it into the worship life of your congregation and your daily devotions. This is your gift to our corporate life as the body of Christ, the church, and those who are serving on the committees leading the discernment and transition process, and we thank you for it.
The Rev. Zenetta Armstrong
President, Standing Committee
David Bergquist
Vice President, Standing Committee
Almighty God, giver of every good gift: We thank you for the gift of your Son, Jesus Christ, and for the witness of your whole church in his name. We thank you for your Holy Spirit, empowering us for ministry. So guide the hearts and minds of all those who shall choose a bishop in this diocese and those who will respond to the call, that we may receive a faithful pastor who will care for your people. May our discernment transform our spirits and draw us closer to you, Almighty God. Amen.
Dios omnipotente, dador de todo buen don, te damos gracias por la bendición de tu Hijo Jesucristo y por el testimonio de toda tu iglesia en su nombre. Te damos gracias por tu Santo Espíritu que nos otorga el poder para realizar el ministerio. Te pedimos que guíes los corazones y las mentes de las personas que han de elegir al próximo obispo u obispa para esta diócesis y también a aquellas personas que van a responder al llamado de Dios, para que de esa manera recibamos a ese pastor o pastora que cuide a tu pueblo. Que nuestro discernimiento transforme nuestro espíritu y nos acerque a ti, Dios omnipotente. Amén.
Related articles:
June Listening Events & survey announced
Committees named for bishop election process
Prayer & committee nominating process announced for bishop election
Standing Committee issues letter on Bishop Shaw's call for coadjutor election
Bishop Shaw calls for election of his successor