Creation Care Justice Network

Creation Care Events

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Caring for creation in the summer

Wooded path photo

The sixth baptismal covenant promise challenges us to “cherish the wondrous works of God, and protect and restore the beauty and integrity of all creation.”  Summer is a great time to cherish, protect and restore the natural world all around us.  Be sure also to take time to enjoy the outdoors as you Pray, Learn, Act and Advocate along "the Path"!
An Episcopal Path to Creation Justice is an excellent resource for congregations seeking to begin or expand their creation justice ministry.  If you are in Province I (New England), watch for news about how to join the next cohort. Meanwhile:




  • Get out and get dirty! Find space to plant a native-plant pollinator garden (see resources above) or even a Good News Garden.
  • Learn about the urban forest movement and partner with others to create one in your community. 
  • Participate in or organize a local clean-up event.


Additional suggestions are available on the Episcopal Church website, on the An Episcopal Path to Creation Justice website and in the Creation Care Justice Network's Sustainable Life resource list.  

It’s not too early to look ahead:  Creation Season (CreationTide) begins Sunday, Sept. 1, with the World Day of Prayer for Care of Creation and concludes on the feast day of St. Francis of Assisi on Oct. 4. The popular “Celebration Guide for Episcopal Parishes” is available in an updated edition for 2024. Check the Creation Care Justice Network's newsletter, Green Justice News, for more information. Subscribe here.

Creation Care Justice Network 

We are Episcopal clergy and lay people across Massachusetts, working together to help our congregations PRAY, LEARN, ACT and ADVOCATE on behalf of God's creation and to mobilize a robust, justice-centered response to the ecological and climate emergency.

Here is a short video that frames our mission: a call to climate action in Massachusetts. Please take a look, and then sign up to join our network. Whether you're an experienced climate activist or just beginning your journey, we need your skills and input as we work together to protect the web of life that God entrusted to our care.


If you join the Creation Care Justice Network, you'll receive a monthly newsletter, Green Justice News.

  • Sign up here to get connected with the network and receive its e-mail updates.

Ready to roll up your sleeves, leap into action and make some new friends?  You're invited to join a working group:

  • Action and Advocacy works with groups such as Massachusetts Interfaith Power & Light to encourage church and community action and to advocate for policy changes.
  • Spiritual Practice and Grounding offers prayers, liturgies and practices to engage with creation and a theology that centers environmental wholeness.
  • Communications and Networking focuses on developing a stronger network among congregations and diocesan groups around creation and climate justice.

For more information e-mail

If another meeting is more than you can manage, please fill out this short survey to help us learn more about our collective Episcopal community here in Massachusetts.

Meet our diocese's creation care advisor

The Rev. Dr. Margaret Bullitt-Jonas Robert A. Jonas The Rev. Dr. Margaret Bullitt-Jonas

The Rev. Dr. Margaret Bullitt-Jonas serves as a liaison to the Creation Care Justice Network.  She works in both Episcopal dioceses in Massachusetts and the Southern New England Conference, United Church of Christ to build emotional and spiritual resilience as we mobilize action to address climate emergency. 

To invite her to preach, lead a retreat or speak in your church, contact her at or 413-341-3566.

She maintains a website,, which includes blog posts, articles, sermons, books, schedule and more.  You can sign up for her monthly newsletter, Creation Care Network e-news and get a message on the first of the month that includes opportunities to learn, pray, act and advocate for the earth.

Massachusetts bishops declare climate emergency


On March 23, 2021, the bishops of the Episcopal dioceses of Massachusetts and Western Massachusetts declared a climate emergency.  From their declaration:

“We believe that God is calling us all to embrace brave and difficult change.  Everything we do as faithful individuals and as a church must reckon with the unprecedented emergency in which humanity now finds itself.  

“We therefore encourage all Episcopalians to explore The Episcopal Church’s Covenant for the Care of Creation , a commitment to practice loving formation, liberating advocacy, and life-giving conversation as individuals, congregations, ministries, and dioceses.

“We strongly urge congregations across Massachusetts to pray, learn, act, and advocate as we build a bold and faith-filled response to the greatest moral challenge of our time.”  

Read the bishops’ full declaration and their suggested actions and resources here.

View recordings of four webinars on responding to the climate emergency here.

Green Loans and Fossil Fuel Free Fund

Diocesan Green Loans are low-interest loans of up to $100,000 that enable congregations to make energy-efficient changes to their buildings.

  • Green Loans are awarded on a rolling basis. 
  • Congregations interested in applying for Green Loans will find more information and application materials on the Green Loans page.

Fossil Fuel Free Stock Fund:  For information about investment opportunities with this broadly diversified portfolio, contact Charlie Jordan, Investment Coordinator, Trustees of Donations ( or 617-482-4826, ext. 557).

Sustaining Earth, Our Island Home Carbon Tracker

Bishop Gates "Sustaining Earth Island Home" video screenshot Click the screenshot above to watch a video invitation from Bishop Gates.

Want to know what your household's carbon output is and how you can reduce it?  Want to get others in your congregation and community to work together to reduce your combined carbon footprint?  The Episcopal Church's "Sustaining Earth, Our Island Home" online carbon tracker can help.

Go to, scroll down to "Massachusetts Diocese" and then click on the "Join the Challenge" button below Bishop Gates's video and letter.  The tracker is organized by diocese, congregation, city and region.  

Additional Resources

Follow on Facebook:

Episcopalians Caring for Creation hosted by Episcopalians in the Diocese of Massachusetts

Creation Care hosted by Episcopalians in the Diocese of Western Massachusetts

Episcopal Creation Care hosted by The Episcopal Church

Green Anglicans hosted by the Anglican Communion Environmental Network